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Pension Freedoms

Giving you the choice of how to use your pension savings

Pension Freedoms give you choice about how you use your pension savings.

Pension Freedoms were introduced in 2015, removing the previous restrictions about how people could use their pensions in retirement.

This has led to greater consumer choice, but is not without its own risks.

Another feature of Pension Freedoms is the taxation of pensions in the event of death. Pensions had always been exempt from Inheritance Tax but the new rules meant no tax at all would be due if the pension holder died before the age of 55. 

Unfortunately, Pension Freedoms didn't change the age when people could start to access their pensions, or how these are taxed when in payment. 

From the saver's point of view, Pension Freedoms open the door to flexibility and choice in retirement.

Read on to find out more about the choices available to you.

What is an annuity?

5 mins
An annuity is a guaranteed income that's normally paid for the rest of your life.

What is drawdown?

5 mins
Drawdown is a flexible way to take income from your pension savings, while your pension savings remain invested. 

What is cash?

5 mins
It's possible to take up to 25% tax free, with the rest being taxed as income.
Taking cash

Mixing my options

5 mins
You can mix using an annuity and drawdown to provide a combination of certainty and flexibility.
Mixing options

Avoiding scams

3 mins
Make sure your pension savings are safe.
Be scam smart

When can I retire?

3 mins

Find out when you can access your pension savings

Accessing pensions

Different types of pension

3 mins
You might have different kinds of pension. Find out about them here
Pension types